
List of Websites and Apps for Learning JavaScript

Categories:Service, Technology

Tags:front-end, JavaScript


For front-end engineers, JavaScript is an essential skill. The specification of JavaScript is evolving every year, with new features being added. Therefore, it's necessary not only to learn the basics of JavaScript but also to stay updated with the latest features.

This time, we will introduce websites where you can learn JavaScript. Use these sites to acquire foundational knowledge as a front-end engineer.

CS50 for Japanese

CS50 for Japanese

CS50 for Japanese is a Japanese translation project of Harvard University's introductory computer science course "CS50". It's an excellent resource for learning not only JavaScript but also the fundamentals of computer science.

The topic for the 8th week is JavaScript. The video is about 2 and a half hours long and includes Japanese subtitles, so be sure to check it out.

Week8 – CS50 for Japanese: Introduction to Computer Science



MDN is a documentation site provided by Mozilla. It has comprehensive documentation on JavaScript, covering basics, core components (syntax basics), object basics, and modules like asynchronous processing.

Furthermore, MDN will be very useful when diving deeper into JavaScript. It offers learning resources on how to use MDN, so it's recommended.

JavaScript – Learning Web Development | MDN


This time, we introduced websites where you can learn JavaScript. Each site has its own features, so choose the one that suits you and start learning. Once you've mastered the basics, gradually delve deeper.

When it comes to practical JavaScript, you'll use frameworks and libraries. React, Vue.js, Next.js, etc., are commonly used frameworks. Be sure to explore learning about these frameworks as well.

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